Love, Joy, Peace...

Our Adventure Kids meet every Sunday during our morning service time. Littles to 5th grade are invited and encouraged to attend!

See and find out more on our Adventure Kids YouTube Channel: Adventure Kids-FBC Kids


Mission Statement

We desire to come alongside you as the parent and encourage your children to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18)


About Us

We desire to encourage a generation that will stand tall in their pursuit of Jesus. That our children will have a faith that will marvel our Lord. We want FBC to be a place for families to grow together.


Core Values

1. Biblical truth

2. Relationships

3. Family

4. Safety

5. Fun


Featured Curriculum

Gospel Project:

Goal: lay a solid theological foundation for the kids we serve, Preparing them to live in today’s culture with a proper understanding based on biblical truth, so they can understand who God is, what He has done, and what He is doing.